“Share Your Art”
Caniçal, Portugal • September 10 to 19, 2019
In a time where societies are faced with many challenges, from terrorism to refugee crisis or a rise of extremist views, people have grown more and more suspicious and it’s imperative that people try to understand and tolerate what is different from themselves. The World needs more understanding and exchange of knowledge and cultures.
A society that feels more free, less distorted by stereotypes and fears can accept new members and understand them easier. By becoming better acquainted with another person of different religion, race or nationality, a person acquires a broader cultural education and broadens his world of perception, which leads to a more liberal approach to different than himself and better communication skills between different individuals.
Music and arts not only can help to create an intercultural dialogue, but also to increase the social inclusion.
Share Your Art
“Share Your Art” was a youth exchange organized by CJE in partnership with Ifjusagi Nomad Klub, from Hungary, Four Links, from Czech Republic and Občiansky Spolok, from Slovakia. It was funded by the Portuguese National agency “Erasmus+ Juventude em Ação” under the Erasmus+ Programme. During this project 20 young participants and 6 group leaders from the 4 different countries got together in the beautiful island of Madeira, in Portugal to develop intercultural dialogue using music and art as communication tools and to foster social inclusion.
Using non-formal methods like collective mandala painting, beach art exhibition, musical therapy, among others, or by interacting with locals, as was the case during the celebrations of Nossa Senhora da Piedade, where our participants had the chance to be part of a spectacular local cultural celebration, sing songs with locals and hear their stories, our participants developed their cultural understanding, their sense of tolerance and created a stronger sense of being European.
Recap video of our project
As part of our goals, we are very focused in promoting active lifestyles among young people. That’s why, every time we have a chance we like to organize short side outdoor activities during our projects. Being that our project took place in the idyllic scenario of Madeira Island, we organized a hike to Levada das 25 Fontes, a classic trail on the Island, and got the opportunity to engage our participants in a surf class. For many, it was the first time ever on a surfboard and an experience they’ll never forget. See below the short videos of these activities.
Photo Gallery