Our Story

Clube de Jovens Europeus springs from the simple idea that the collaboration and the construct of solidarity between people is done on the ground and through the direct promotion of European values between Youth.

It’s therefore born in 2017 with clear objectives:

– To promote personal, physical and professional growth of Youth.
– To promote the exchange and intercultural dialogue between young people
– Organize trainings, seminars and other events.
– Foster the free exchange of ideas, knowledge and information
– Raise awareness to modern possibilities of a better life, namely digitalization.

With a strong belief in non-formal education as one of the most important tools for personal development and empowerment of Youth, we strive to organize several activities for young people and create environments where they can excel at their own rhythm and level.

Most of our team members are highly experienced in participation and implementation of Erasmus+ projects. That experience translates in the successful implementation of several Youth Exchanges in the last 7 years, a wide network of partners and a wider impact.

Based in Lisbon, we aim to activate nationally and with young people from all regions of Portugal as well as internationally with partners all over the world.

Our Team

Our members spring from diverse areas.
Video, Music, Industrial Project Management or Visual Arts.
We all share the same goal, to empower young people.

Below we present you our core team.


Event Coordinator

Video Editor
